Sunday, March 2, 2014


 Kerm here,

OK,  the Belle is broken and I'm in the hospital.   Chris is calling around for a service guy in the Exumas on Monday and the service guy ( Dr.) here at the hospital will shove a stint up my groin all the way to my neck on Monday.  See, things get fixed. 

For me, it looks like going back to the Bahamas probably isn't in the cards.  One stint now and another on about a month from now.  And they really don't want me a full day away from a hospital for the next couple of months. I may go back to MN to get my truck for a vehicle here in FL or not.

I'm thinking that we may have to hire a captain to bring the boat back to the mainland.  Or, or, or.  There are a lot of options regarding what to do next but at this point nothing has to happen quick.  I'm sure Linda does not mind boat sitting as the alternative is sitting at her house in MN where it's -15 today.

1 comment:

  1. Let me know if you need a little running around, when you get up here. Hope things went smoothly today.
