Friday, April 15, 2011

Road trip using real roads

Chris and I thought that if we rented a car we could blast through several must do stops with the flexibility of a car.  We also need to get to Myrtle Beach to pick up our mail as there were some forms we needed.  (More micky mouse c**p having to do with the FL tax man).  Jeez, I wish they would lighten up.  Anyway, we left this morning from Isle of Hope and drove right to Myrtle Beach figuring that we would hang around there for a day but it was a typical tourist trap with a beach.  Hey, we live in FL and know tourist traps.  So we hopped in the car and headed south to Georgetown.  Great history with this town but nearly all pre-civil war stuff either burned or was replaced at some point.  Stillwater MN probably has more charm than Georgetown.  Too bad. 

So, we jumped back in the car and headed to Charleston where we expect to see Fort Sumter via tour boat and then the restored parts of town.  For those that weren't paying attention at school with regard to the fort, look it up.  Bonus for tomorrow is that there is a huge sailing regatta in town.  We hope to see either parts of it from the tour boat and / or cruise marina row on foot to look at the boats.

Radio tic update.  It's getting worse with instruments that worked up till Thursday going crazy.  I won't even start up the radar as I don't want to take a chance of hurting it.  I give up.  If I was at home (hmmm, where's home)  anyway,  I would tear into it and rebuild the whole system from the ground up.  But,  sitting in a marina is costing money so I'm bringing in the professionals and know that writing the check will (I hope) bring me confidence.  I'm not doing the NJ offshore all-nighter unless everything is perfect.

I do regret now that I didn't spend more on the new VHF to get the AIS option just in case the radar goes out.  The AIS shows all ships on the small VHF screen without all the adjustments or knowledge required with radar.  Kinda like radar for idiots but just for ships and we all know that ships can hurt.  Dan would say that I over think all this stuff and that good seamanship is way more important than all the techno c**p that a person can pile onto the boat.  He's probably right.

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