Wednesday, December 15, 2010

First Entry

 entry by Christie 12/15/2010

Southern Belle is officially ours!!  Papers are signed and money has changed hands.

We will pick her up on Friday from Clearwater and bring her up to Hudson, FL for refit and provisioning.  The marina in Hudson is close to our apartment, so very convenient.

We have to be out of Florida waters by March 15th to evade the evil taxman.  Therefore, we are planning to work our way down the Gulf Coast and then up to southern Georgia where we will hang around until the weather warms up a little in the north.

I'll fine tune this blog and add more pictures but I wanted to document the initial day of ownership.  The adventure begins...


  1. Congratulations! Have fun moving in to your new home.

  2. What a beautiful home - so Kinsey Milhone-esque. I signed on to follow your blog and I love that there was a button asking me if I wanted to "follow the Southernbelle." How I wish! Happy travels, my friend.
