Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Nope, let's get out of here

 Kerm here,

We woke up after a good nights sleep at the mooring balls in Fort Myers Beach and it just didn't feel right for an extended stay.  Chris started doing research on a new target for our stay in this area while I prepped the Belle for departure.  We decided the city marina in Cape Coral would fit the bill and we headed out.  It was a beautiful day and we were able to put on shorts for the first time in what feels like weeks.  Finally Florida felt like Florida. 

After much discussion we decided to pay for a month at the marina.  It's cheaper than paying by the day if you are staying for week.  The marina is small but everything appears to be top notch and we have already met the nicest people.  Joe, Chris's brother who lives in Cape Coral came over and invited us to home for dinner and a sleep over.  Yes, a real bed.

While in Cape Coral we will start provisioning for the Bahamas and button up some projects on the Belle.  We will also be waiting to bring on Chris's sister Linda as our Bahamas crew.  Linda is already sick to death of snow shoveling in Minnesota and will be arriving mid-month.  She did three stretches with us on our last loop and for us it's nice having another person on board with boat sense.  She owns at least 3 boats of her own and races sailboats so I don't think we'll have to teach her how to tie a bowline.


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