Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Recap

Christmas in our new home was a success.  We made a nice ham on Christmas eve along with fresh carrots and mashed spuds.  Choice of apple, pumpkin or custard pie for dessert, with squirty cream, of course.  For Christmas dinner we had Cornish game hens, stuffing, fresh green beans and more pie for dessert.  The oven works well and I have four burners on top so I'm all set.  The refrigerator is small but I'm just happy to have it.  Overall, I'd say the galley was very satisfactory indeed.  Kerm, Dan and I all had plenty to eat.

As Kerm's entry said we have had some windy weather and it's been cold but there's NO SNOW so I'm not making a peep.  It would be nice to have it calm down a tad and warm up a bit so we can get more done outside...supposed to get better soon.

We were at the apartment this evening as I had laundry and shopping to do.  Kerm and I left Dan to sleep there.  I moved my undies and my dop kit on board tonight so now I feel like this is officially my home.  Kerm is snoring in the berth and I am cuddled up in the salon writing this...I am a lucky girl.

Good night to all!


  1. I really enjoy hearing what you are doing on the Belle. Add some photos, I want to see you in the new habitat.

  2. I second Linda's vote for pictures. How about "a day in the life..."

    Thanks for the updates. Since we have quite a bit of water in the basement, I feel I can especially relate this week.

  3. Tomorrow I will post some pix if my mean captain allows me a moment off from my list of duties!!
